Twitter is a great way to get information and updates from friends, family, and other people you follow. However, sometimes you may want to save the Tweets you see for later so that you can look into them more carefully. ..

Twitter has allowed for a lot of interesting websites, services, and bots to be created that have enhanced the way we browse the social network. This has also led to many ways in which people have been able to save content from Twitter. With that in mind, Twitter can actually help solve some of your problems.

  1. @Tweetbot_Saved This bot can help you save tweets that you have already sent, as well as tweets that are in your drafts. It will also keep track of the most recent tweets and will give you a list of recommended replies to those tweets.
  2. @Tweetbot_Drafts This bot can help you save drafts of tweets, so that you can later revise them or even delete them. It will also keep track of the most recent drafts and will give you a list of recommended replies to those drafts.
  3. @Tweetbot_Stats This bot can help you get insights into your Twitter account and its activity, including how many followers, what kind of content is being shared, and how often people are tweeting about your account.


The app is a new way to get video content from websites and other sources. It’s free, and it works on both Android and iOS devices.

The DownloadThisVideo bot account is a Twitter account that delivers download links for videos embedded in tweets. The process of using the bot is very simple, and does not require an entire website. ..

Simply mention “DownloadThisVideo” in a reply to the tweet that contains the video you want and you’re good to go! ..

Twitter bots can only send 300 automated tweets every three hours. As the DownloadThisVideo account has gained massive popularity across the internet, it often affects its ability to reply to inquiries about downloads.

Due to this, it’s recommended that you visit your personalized download URL (by appending your Twitter username at the end of “”) approximately a minute after queuing up your request. You should find the download link there.

Tweetstamp is a great site for archiving webpages because it offers a more tailored and comprehensive alternative to other archiving services. It allows you to easily search for specific pages or tweets, as well as add your own notes and annotations. Additionally, the site is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface.

You can archive tweets against a timestamping proof standard, OpenTimestamps, which is vendor and blockchain independent. This allows you to keep track of past tweets and to see how they compare to other tweets from the same account at a given point in time.

Twitter will archive all tweets that have been stamped with the “Tweetstamp” tool. This includes the original tweet, as well as the OpenTimestamps and Stringifyed data associated with it. ..

Reply to a tweet with the word stamp and mention the Twitter account @tweet_stamp anywhere in your tweet. The bot will reply to your tweet within a few seconds with a stamped permalink.

If you prefer a more private method of stamping tweets, you can direct message the bot a link to the tweet you wish to stamp. It will reply back with the permalink. Here is an example of what a stamped tweet looks like.

Remind Me Of This Tweet

The Remind Me of This Tweet bot account (@RemindMe_OfThis) is a great way to keep track of tweets that you want to look into later. It will send you a notification every time a new tweet with the specified hashtag is posted. ..

Reply to a tweet and mention the Remind Me of This Tweet bot account (@RemindMe_OfThis anywhere in your tweet) with a reference to the date at which you want to be reminded. Some examples are “in 4 days“, “in a year“, “next month“, “tomorrow night”, and “December 20”.

This bot is open source on GitHub, so savvy users can dissect all of the possible formats they can use when referencing a specific date. However, I suggest you keep the text as simple as possible to be sure that the bot parses it correctly.

Twitter is a great way to communicate with friends and family, but it can also be a great way to find new people to follow and learn more about. With these awesome bots, you can easily communicate with people on Twitter in a more efficient and fun way.