Tips to Care for Propane Tanks
Use Barrel Heaters
Propane is a gaseous fuel, and just like any other gas, it expands and contracts with a change in temperature. During summer, expect the propane to expand inside its container. As a result, pressure gauges will indicate a higher amount. However, the energy content in the tank doesn’t change. During winter, the low temperature causes the gas to contract. Consequently, the gauges will show low levels. The propane standard reading point is 60 degrees. Below that level, expect a lower read. Above 60 degrees, you will register a higher read. However, at higher temperatures, it may burst, causing injuries and damage to property. At lower temperatures, it may solidify. To avoid these changes, you can use a drum heater to keep a constant temperature. Drum heaters come with digital thermostatic controllers for regulating temperatures. The barrel and drum heaters come in different sizes and can, therefore, fit into a propane container of any shape and size.
Store in an Upright Position
Most of the propane boxes and canisters have an arrow that indicates the base and the top. Always store it correctly as it is designed to handle pressure differently. Storing upside-down may compromise the structure and make it unsafe.
Store in a Dry Place
Despite the containers being a product of stainless steel, exposing them to hard water may cause corrosion. Weaknesses of the corroded parts may lead to explosions as a result of high pressure.
Check for Leaks on a Regular Basis
If you can still smell the gas after closing the valves, take it to an open area with enough air circulation and call a propane appliance technician. Regular repairs and maintenance should be carried out by propane professionals. Make sure the technician is certified to handle propane equipment. You can also do a quick propane leak check. Here is a simple step-by-step guide to help your know-how; however, if you are unsure of your abilities, then call a technician to ensure you are safe.
Always Check the Physical Integrity of the Container Regularly
Making a physical check is the first thing you should do once it gets delivered. Also, during its use, check for dents or gouges that may compromise its structural integrity. Make sure that it is sound and safe to use.
Use Propane Safely
The tanks come with safety precautions. Make sure you read and understand them before use. The precautions come with instructions on how to store and when to dispose of the tank. posts hazardous waste collection notices to help you stay informed on where and how to dispose of propane tanks safely. Propane tanks are safe to use. But it is necessary to take all the necessary precautions before using it. Follow the instructions and helpful tips like the above and stay safe this winter season!