Have you ever thought about using your blog as a platform for collaborating with fellow writers, other artists, and designers, even small brands, and businesses? Collaboration between like-minded creatives can bring a huge wealth of benefits to you and your blog.
Why you should collaborate: to boost your creativity
It’s long been said that groups hold more creative potential than individuals. Indeed the support and open conversation of a trusted team can bring exciting new ideas to the fore, even in boring niches. There’s value in collaborating with people who have different perspectives, backgrounds, and stories to tell from your own – you never know where it will take your own imagination! Look for collaborators who’ll push you out of your comfort zone, challenge you, and have a different point of view to your own. Often the most inspiring and fruitful projects are produced from this kind of diversity.
Why you should collaborate: to learn new things
If there are any bloggers, or any other type of creatives, that you aspire to or respect, why not approach them with ideas for a project you could share? Perhaps you’re a food blogger who wants to understand more about technology, or you’re an artist who wants to learn about the environment – you can skillshare and work towards a joint ambition. Don’t be afraid to reach out and contact writers who you would love to work with; they’ll likely see it as a compliment and be excited to connect with you. Plus, you’ve probably got things you can teach them too! If you’ve already done the leg-work in collecting contact addresses, you can quickly run them through theemailfinder.co to confirm the address is still valid.
Why you should collaborate: to reach a new audience
If you monetize your blog in any way, then collaborating with fellow bloggers can be a fantastic way to expand your own readership. Promote the collaboration on both your sites – as well as on your social media platforms – and encourage your existing visitors to follow the journey you’ll take. Chances are, all parties within the collaboration will benefit from an increased following and higher engagement. Even if you don’t earn money from your blog, there’s no harm in reaching more people with the type of content you produce.
Why you should collaborate: to keep your blog fresh
It’s easy to fall into the trap of creating the same style of content because you’re good at it, and it makes for efficient working; this risk is, your blog starts to look stale. Collaborating can bring a fresh perspective, the tone of voice, and new conversation into your blog content. Shaking your typical workup may not be a bad thing! Of course, you must consider your established audience and don’t do anything that will lose your readers.